Building Automation. Energy Savings

Optimize your Chiller Plant to save more energy. The GCOP optimizer controller is connected via Bacnet IP to the chiller control panel and resets the leaving chilled water temperature (LCHWT) setpoint in real time to an optimum value. With this solution, you can save up to 25% of electric energy in the Chiller Plant. More information visit GCOP Web Site

The Rooftop Unit Smart Control (RTU-SC) modulates the fan speed to a proper value while protecting the compressor and keeping a good comfort humidity value. To modulate the fan speed to a proper value, precision sensors are used to measure the parameters used in the optimization algorithms.


With this solution you can save from 35% up to 50% of energy. For more information visit RTU-SC Web SiteĀ 

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Air Quality System uses negative ion injection technique to improve the air quality by reducing the possible Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) contamination and minimizing the risk of a health hazard, from air flying virus and bacteria in Duct Air Conditioning Systems.


When high enough concentrations of negative ions come in contact with harmful pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, or mold, they steal away hydrogen molecules from the pathogens. Without hydrogen, the pathogens are left without any source of energy to carry on and they die. For more information visitĀ GreenmediaHD Air Quality System

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GreenmediaHD Media Options

The Cloud Server of GreenmediaHD hosts the program for designing the Media Options Playlist solutions, so all the configurations of your Media Playlist are saved in the Cloud Database and you can check, modify and create your Playlist design anywhere you are.
The GreenmediaHD App runs in the Android System 4.2 and above, it is updated periodically on GreenmediaHD Web Site.

The TV Box is connected to internet network using wired or WIFI network. A TV set is connected to the TV Box using an HDMI cable. The TV Box uses Android System, some specifications are:


Quad Core CPU Processor; 2GB Ram 8GB Flash ARM Cortex A9 processor; Supports Open GL 1.2 - ES1.1/2.0, Flash Graphics Format- ISO /IEC 13818-2 MPEG-2; Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 WEP/WPA security
On this box runs the GreenmediaHD App.

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